
Shrimp Cheese Melt


1 Kilogram of medium shrimp
Cheese 1/4 chihuahua (or any au gratin)
1 White onion
1 Stick of butter
2 Cans of Nestle media crema
2 Tablespoons of soy sauce
1 Can of sliced mushrooms
1 Peeled garlic clove
A little garlic salt
Pepper to taste
Salt to taste


First thing we will do will be to thoroughly wash the shrimp, peel them and remove the head, since they are ready put them in a refractory to leave them sitting on a little pepper and garlic salt to taste. Since the shrimp have rested at least 1 hour take a large skillet and the are going to melt half of the butter bar, while it melts finely chop half of the sliced onion and garlic to add it to the skillet.

We stir very well 2 minutes add sliced mushrooms and shrimp, stir and reserve the juice from the stew out of the skillet, liquefy the 2 teaspoons of soy sauce and half cream and this mixture emptied it into the skillet with the shrimp and stir very well. We take a baking and engrasamos it by all sides for to arrange the shrimp stew, already this casserole divided by the refractory are going to scratch the chihuahua cheese to then cover the dish with the, also above add the remaining half of the onion into slices and horneamos in preheated oven at 175 degrees Celsius for the estimated time of 15 minutes.

Shrimp in cheese are served hot and are recommended to accompany with salad and white rice as a side dish.

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